Keep America Beautiful
Volunteer to Help Keep America Beautiful
Volunteer to Help Keep America Beautiful
Help End Littering
Help End Littering
KAB was found in 1963 by several companies, nonprofits, and government agencies. It was created to help point out the litter problem that was showing up along America's new interstate road system. As more people used these roads, more litter was showing up.
KAB was found in 1963 by several companies, nonprofits, and government agencies. It was created to help point out the litter problem that was showing up along America's new interstate road system. As more people used these roads, more litter was showing up.
KAB is America's largest organization and company of it's kind with more than 600 state and community based organization nationwide. It also has more than 1000 partner programs.
KAB is America's largest organization and company of it's kind with more than 600 state and community based organization nationwide. It also has more than 1000 partner programs.
KAB's main mission is to make people understand that every little bit helps. That it is up to other people to each contribute to help keep our country clean. That everyone has a responsibiltiy to help clean, recycle and improve our country. They organize trash pick-ups alongside roads and in parks and neighborhoods. They rely on volunteers to help organize and plan these trash pick-up events. And the people that come to help are all doing so as volunteers.
KAB's main mission is to make people understand that every little bit helps. That it is up to other people to each contribute to help keep our country clean. That everyone has a responsibiltiy to help clean, recycle and improve our country. They organize trash pick-ups alongside roads and in parks and neighborhoods. They rely on volunteers to help organize and plan these trash pick-up events. And the people that come to help are all doing so as volunteers.
KAB also does more than just trach pick up - they also plan and encourage beautification projects